Rules for registration of a reader’s ticket on the Library’s website

The reader’s ticket registered on the Library’s website provides the User with access to the Library’s resources. For registration such a ticket you need:

to fill in the Agreement form, to certify it with a personal signature and to send it in electronic form (scanned copy) to email address [email protected];

to pay the price of the service in the amount of UAH 150. (details specified in the “Agreement“) and all expenses and commissions of banks (including foreign ones) which are related to the transfer of money to the Library account and to send a receipt for payment in electronic form (scanned copy) to the email address: [email protected];

to fill in the form of the Act on fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, to certify it with a personal signature and to send it in electronic form (scanned copy) to the email address [email protected];

to fill in all fields of the Form

and to send it to the email address [email protected];

to receive the reader’s ticket number (it is “login”) and the password (“password”) to the e-mail for accessing to the Library’s resources;

You can get a reader’s ticket on plastic media and you will have the opportunity  to use all the services provided by the institution when you personally visit the Library and follow the General Rules for Using the Library without paying additional funds.