Українська English


Skiban Olena

«Knyzhkova Teka» in the focus of research of the specialized press of the period of independence of Ukraine


The article describes the main typological characteristics of the specialized newspaper of the literary-publishing direction «Knyzhkova Teka». It was issued in Ukraine during 1994―1997s. The thematic and heading corpus of the newspaper, genre specifics, artistic and technical design, have been analyzed. In the context of research of the trade newspaper of book thematic the defining typological criteria were the audience orientation, as well as others: a nature of the impact (semantic characteristics ― the subject of presentation, or the scope of reflective reality, the nature of the presentation); authorship; the size of the readership (circulation), and so on. An attention is also focused upon a study of the problems of the literary and publishing process of that time, specifically its reflection on the pages of the analyzed media.

A particular attention is paid to the review, specifically processing the issues of the newspaper «Knyzhkova Teka». The main typological characteristics are described: authorship, artistic and technical design, as well as thematic-heading content. The content analysis of information-analytical publications of the various types and genres is carried out. The newspaper is considered as an attempt of emerging trade medium in book journalism. It can serve as one of the examples of discursive practice of that time ― cultural journalism, book journalism.

Such methods of research have been employed here: system, terminological analysis, contextual, communication, content analysis method, comparative, as well as a historical one.

Keywords: book journalism, professional press, newspaper, book media, information policy of mass media, channels and means of promotion, «Knyzhkova Teka».

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